Tag: New Technology
May 22, 2020

Urban Traffic Enforcement Innovation in Las Vegas, NYC & Bangalore

As technology continues to reshape nearly every sector of society, law enforcement leaders are now increasingly turning to innovative strategies and tools to increase efficiencies in carrying out the duties. Here we look at three examples from Las Vegas, New York, and India.

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May 19, 2020

The Technology Used to Sanitize Police Vehicles (USA & India)

Law enforcement agencies are turning to high-tech innovations to disinfect patrol cars and keep officers safe. Here are some examples…

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May 7, 2020

How Law Enforcement is Using Virtual Communications in Policing, Prisons & Recruitment

From video chats to video calls, police agencies are rapidly adopting new technology, methods, and ideas to keep the communications lines open. Here are some examples…

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April 22, 2020

COVID-19 Innovative Tech in US Law Enforcement: Virtual Response, Homeless Drones, & Draganfly

The highly contagious virus has made law enforcement agencies rethink how they can work with either minimal or no physical contact. Technology has certainly been playing a key role:

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April 20, 2020

3 Current Law Enforcement Adoptions of 5G Technology from China, Dubai & Spain

Several law enforcement agencies are now starting to believe that 5G can enhance officers’ work, so let’s look into some examples…

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April 15, 2020

Meet the Robots & Drones Helping Law Enforcement During COVID-19 (VIDEOS)

Law enforcement agencies around the globe have been deploying robots and drones to remotely enforce quarantine restrictions. Let’s look at some examples.

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April 8, 2020

US and German Departments Among Law Enforcement Adopting Green Technology

Recently, agencies have been adopting innovative strategies and environmentally friendly technology to lower their CO2 emissions and increase the use of clean energies. In this article, we look at some examples…

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April 3, 2020

How cybercriminals are taking advantage of COVID-19

Over the last few months, opportunists have been trying to make money from the pandemic by either sending ´phishing´ emails, hacking or selling counterfeit goods.

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March 20, 2020

How Police Departments are Entertaining Kids during Isolation through Social Media

While kids are stuck at home, several police departments across the country are using social media to entertain the little ones. Some officers are reading books and others are encouraging kids to create art projects. Let’s look at a few examples.

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March 13, 2020

How International Police Agencies are Facing the Coronavirus Outbreak

Over 4,000 people have lost their lives, thousands more are fighting for their survival in hospitals, and the virus is officially now classed as a pandemic by the World Health Organization…

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