The city’s most violent month in 28 years has coincided with the announcement of a new anti-violence strategy by Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown. It consists of the establishment and deployment of two new teams…
Victims of domestic violence (DV) are yet another casualty of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. When American citizens were advised to stay home this spring, police departments across the country reported a decrease in the incidence of crimes such as car theft and armed robberies. DV calls, however, increased sharply.
The recent death of George Floyd, which has sparked nationwide protests, is causing law enforcement to focus more on the communities they serve. From Facebook Live, to walking into crowds, officers are looking for innovative ways to get their message through.
The highly contagious virus has made law enforcement agencies rethink how they can work with either minimal or no physical contact. Technology has certainly been playing a key role:
Officers across the U.S. are beginning to tailor their arrests and treatment of suspects, in an attempt to keep the individuals and themselves healthy.
Whilst unfortunately we cannot list every fallen hero here today, we would like to remember three law enforcement heroes in tribute to all who sacrificed their lives to serve others.
As of May 2018, at least 599 law enforcement agencies had purchased drones, according to research by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College, Let’s take a look at some specific examples.
The report comes at a time when cryptocurrency hacks have been in the spotlight. In the recent hack of the Tokyo-based cryptocurrency exchange Coincheck, almost 58 billion yen ($547 million) was stolen of a cryptocurrency called NEM.
Most cities have been going through a transformation in the surveillance and police monitoring sector. Continuously improving technology has aided the development of sophisticated systems that have helped in crime and terroism prevention…
Another instance where body-worn video has proven to be a wise investment was written about in The Herald-Times. “Read More” for the full article.