As many of you are aware, the Covid19 virus (“Coronavirus”) is spreading rapidly and having an impact on people, businesses, and the global economy. As a participant in a global supply chain, Kustom Signals Inc. has been monitoring the situation closely, and will continue to do everything possible to minimize delays and impacts to our customers and partners, as well as do our part to keep our team members safe.
Based on the dynamic and rapidly changing nature of the outbreak and ever changing recommendations from the federal, state and local governments, we are implementing an emergency operation plan that will allow our business operations to continue functioning as normally as possible. We will implement telecommuting for some of the Lenexa office personnel on March 24th so we comply with the Johnson County Kansas / Kansas City Metro area “Stay at Home” order. We will do our best to maintain the continuity and service levels you are accustomed to with Kustom Signals.
We are hopeful that the implementation of the Kansas City Metro “Stay at Home” order will be successful in helping us manage the pandemic. We felt it important to let our customers and suppliers know that we are taking this action in an effort to do our part as a good corporate citizen for our community. Additionally, we have immediately suspended all non-essential travel by our team to customer sites and we have also suspended all supplier and customer visits to our facilities until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience this may create for you and your teams.
Lastly, we ask for your kind patience. This is an unprecedented situation and business impact for us and the entire world. While we hope the virus does not delay our production schedules or deliveries from our supply chain to Kustom Signals, we recognize that it has the potential to do so. We are in this with you, and will make every effort to minimize negative impacts, and we will communicate delays when or if they may occur. We cannot be successful without the success of our customers and suppliers. As we move forward, we will do what is in the best interest of all involved to keep everyone safe and supported.