One of the primary ways police agencies serve and protect the community is by uncovering and investigating activity that suggests criminal behavior. Police traffic stops provide an ideal opportunity for law enforcement officers to observe and identify human trafficking crimes that may be taking place in their jurisdictions. Given the highly effective role that police […]
The MUTCD Assures Safety and Operational Standards Devices, markings, signs, and other road assets, which are officially termed Traffic Control Devices (TCD), emerged in the early 1920s in response to increased motor vehicle usage in the United States. Shortly after that, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was developed to ensure uniformity of […]
The use of video surveillance is growing significantly, owing to the increasing need for safety and security, coupled with the use of cloud-based services for centralized data.
With COVID-19 restrictions barely in the rear-view mirror, holiday travel numbers for 2022 are nearing or at pre-pandemic levels. More travelers may be opting for air travel this year, but the numbers are holding steady for holiday road trips, both near and far. It’s time to prepare for the influx of vehicles on not only […]
The fact that speeding poses a huge threat to public safety is well documented. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities for over two decades. In 2020, speeding was a contributing factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities. NHTSA and FHA […]
According to an IACP study, in the late 1960s Connecticut State Police set a camera on a tripod in the passenger seat and filled the back seat with the recorder and cables. It wasn’t practical at all, but it illustrated the important role that video could play in policing.
At Kustom Signals, our goal is to provide law enforcement officers and agencies with the best tools and equipment. The police force needs high-tech solutions to slow down speeding drivers and deter distracted driving behavior. As laws change, so do these methods of detecting and deterring dangerous types of driving behavior. Traffic death trends are […]
As vehicle technologies change and advance, it is important that RADAR and other law enforcement equipment that is used in conjunction with police vehicles adapt. Changes in new vehicle connectivity have made this advancement in RADAR technology extremely important. Kustom Signals is a leading innovator in law enforcement tools and at the industry’s forefront with […]
Police departments need support in the fight to decrease traffic related fatalities. Learn how new speed awareness equipment and technologies can help. Kustom Signals is hosting a free online webinar to discuss speed enforcement solutions on Thursday, October 6th at 11AM Central. If the webinar time doesn’t work out for your schedule, we’ll be sending […]
In New York City, there is a dearth of police officers on the payroll. Everyone is lining up for retirement funds or they are simply resigning. This does stem partly from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, after the baby boomer generation fully retires, we can expect to see this happening across a variety of industries throughout […]