On March 7, 2013, Chief James Winstead II of the Blaine Police Department in Tennessee was in his cruiser on his way to City Hall when he received the call that a white, Nissan Altima had been flagged to pull over and refused. Officers were in pursuit. The road he was on was single lane in both directions with lots of hills. As he approached one uphill climb, the car in front of him suddenly veered off the road. Immediately the Chief saw why – the Altima was in the passing lane headed straight towards him. With no time to react, Chief Winstead hit the brakes and steered toward the ditch. The driver of the white Nissan hit him off-set/head-on, with an impact of 100 MPH. Video testimony from the Kustom Signals Ion Eclipse installed in his vehicle provided the back-up evidence needed. Hoping that the pursuing officer’s system could provide additional testimony from another angle, Chief Winstead was disappointed to discover that the other in-car video system (not from Kustom Signals) was not functional. Though his vehicle was totaled, Chief Winstead had the evidence he needed to document the incident.
Chief Winstead also stated that he has been involved with accidents involving deer, and the thirty second look back buffer documented those incidents as well. “I am a true believer in Kustom Signals’ video equipment as it helps officers explain some of the unique things that happen while on patrol. The system protects the officer and explains the officer’s side of the story. Thanks Kustom Signals and I look forward to purchasing another video recorder from your company.” ~ Chief James Winstead II, Blaine PD
Click on the video clip that captures the incident.