At Kustom Signals, we offer products for law enforcement agencies who are interested in improving the safety of their jurisdiction – no matter the size and population. Speeding is one of the leading causes of danger on highways and byways, but can be much more deadly in rural areas. Here are some recommendations on how […]
The fact that speeding poses a huge threat to public safety is well documented. According to the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), speeding has been involved in approximately one-third of all motor vehicle fatalities for over two decades. In 2020, speeding was a contributing factor in 29% of all traffic fatalities. NHTSA and FHA […]
Police departments need support in the fight to decrease traffic related fatalities. Learn how new speed awareness equipment and technologies can help. Kustom Signals is hosting a free online webinar to discuss speed enforcement solutions on Thursday, October 6th at 11AM Central. If the webinar time doesn’t work out for your schedule, we’ll be sending […]
In New York City, there is a dearth of police officers on the payroll. Everyone is lining up for retirement funds or they are simply resigning. This does stem partly from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, after the baby boomer generation fully retires, we can expect to see this happening across a variety of industries throughout […]
RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging) is the most common method of checking speed, with about 100,000 in use nationwide. It is the tool of choice by most traffic police officers, but how does it work? A RADAR gun works by sending a signal to a passing vehicle, and the signal bounces back and returns to […]
La detección y medición por radio (RADAR por sus siglas en inglés) es el método más común para comprobar la velocidad en Estados Unidos, donde hay aproximadamente 100.000 unidades en uso. Es la herramienta preferida por la mayoría de los agentes de tránsito, pero ¿cómo funciona? Una pistola RADAR funciona enviando una señal a un […]
In recent years, technological advancements have provided a variety of tools that offer much needed help for law enforcement. Particularly at a time when police departments tend to be understaffed, these types of technologies offer ways to extend their law enforcement capabilities. While tools like RADAR and LIDAR are designed to prevent the bad driving […]
En los últimos años, los avances tecnológicos han proporcionado una gran variedad de herramientas de gran ayuda a las autoridades policiales. En un momento en el que los departamentos de policía tienden a estar cortos de personal, este tipo de tecnologías ofrecen formas de incrementar sus capacidades policiales. Si bien, herramientas como el RADAR y […]
The 2020 lockdowns saw a sharp increase in speeding and road fatalities across the US, and this trend is yet to reverse. Why are American drivers still speeding, and what can we learn from the traffic statistics?
Durante el confinamiento por la pandemia del año 2020, se vio un fuerte aumento de infracciones a los límites de velocidad y de índices de mortalidad en accidentes de carretera en todo EE.UU., evidenciando una tendencia que aún no se ha revertido. ¿Por qué los conductores estadounidenses siguen excediendo la velocidad y qué es lo […]